FFAC Precap: Revenge of the FFAC

Well well well,

If it isn't mid/late July already. Oh, did you think ol' PapaB didn't have some new tricks up his sleeve for our 3rd annual (well, 3rd commissioned by yours truly) FFAC recaps?


Welcome to the FFAC Central website!

Don't all cheer at the same time. We're still a bit under construction, but no matter, we have some general business to tend to.

As you know, our own loverboy, Jeff Rosales, came in dead last a year ago, meaning he has been relegated from FFAC and his spot is now open. We have a few candidates already roaring to go.

However, Jeff isn't the only one whom is leaving us this season. We are also saying goodbye to Spencer, whom has opted to bow out of this season (something about kangaroos, I believe?), so, he's dead to us.

That makes it 2 whole spots open.

FIRST THINGS FIRST, our reigning Champion:


So, everyone congratulate KO. You know how much she wants the attention. Barely even paid attention last year. Anywho, on to the real business.

Last year's participants obviously get first dibs on a spot in the league AND at the same time, we need to decide on a draft date. (Shelby I know you said you'll be away, but pick a date that is most convenient for you and we'll call you in or something for your picks).

Please submit this doodle ASAP. Like, for real. Do it by this Friday or I will assume you are out and put your spot up for grabs. This is not a drill.

We'll hold the event in the office and I think I can convince (maybe I did already? I don't know, it's kinda late as I write this) Trinity to get us some food to the office, also we keep beer stocked so why spend more money.

As always, check the FFAC slack for rules and general banter, if you don't have an invite to that, just send me a message. You all know where I sit.

Jeff and Spencer, it has been a real honor. If you still want email notifications on recaps, just let me know, otherwise, this is a public website and ya'll do what you want. I'm not your dad.

FILL OUT THE DOODLE. JUST DO IT: https://doodle.com/poll/s626nxm7nshxws4t

Signing off,

Danny "previous champion aka papabless" M


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