FFAC Recap - Week 8: Back to Our Regularly Spooky Programming


What a great 2 weeks of SILENCE.

No podcast.

No recap.

Author permission sent on 10/12 (SO DON'T TELL ME I DIDN'T GIVE YOU A LOGIN, STEFAN).

And what a couple of weeks to miss glorious recaps on, considering Weeks 6 and 7 put us in flavor town blowout city with 34 point avg margins of victory each! Including 66 point and 60 point blowouts, which would be the 2nd (Fireball) and 3rd (Ryan) largest wins so far this season (Shelby continues to hold that title with the Week 4 79.82 win over Jamie).

But now, we back. And we back, and we back, and we back.


Maybe this will spark the shit talking again, because boy oh boy, do we need some SPICY ACTION up in here. Too much friendly slacking. And slacking off.

Starting off with the blowout game of the week,  Jamie beats Ryan by 34.94 points. That's 2 straight wins for Jamie whom has moved within striking distance of a playoff spot, and Ryan continues his roller coaster as he is 1-2 in the last 3 weeks.

Closest match belongs to Jay and Stefan, as Jay eeks out a 2.2 point victory over Stefan, whom now finds himself in the 11th spot. Not relegation time yet, but 2-6 is not a great spot to be in, Stefan. Maybe it's all the wedding planning, but idk, I DIDN'T GET AN INVITE.

Dunce of the week, I'm sorry (not sorry) to say, goes to Shelby. Why? Simply because she lost to Shiv, who is still dead last in the league, and more importantly perhaps, dead to me.  Hey Shiv, remember that one time you told me on the podcast "I'm better than you"? Remember that? Don't worry, I'm not done with this bit yet.

Nick, at one point was 3-1, extends his losing streak to 4 games (longest streak of any amount so far this season), as he loses to Fireball 153.80 - 127.18, and suddenly finds himself on the outside looking in from a playoff berth. This was also Fireball's highest point total of the season, and he takes over the #1 spot from...

Zach, as he helped me push my win streak to 3 games, as I win 130.7 - 104.8. Started out looking like I would put up close to 160 points, but Brees only put up like, 8 points, garbage.  Anywho, that means (1) Fireball, (2) Zach, and (3) myself are now all 6-2, ranked by points scored.


Ben M and Adam R are pretty much running away with this league, Ben being 7-1 and Adam 6-2. There's another 6-2 team in 3rd, but both Adam and Ben are a solid 100(!) points ahead of that spot, but, super (is it still super early at this point? I'll go with normal early) early bets say these are our likely 2 candidates to join L1 next season, so watch yoselves, all you 3-5 and 2-6 teams.


Avg Points: 116.1
Avg Margin: 22.8
Biggest Blowout: 34.94 (Jamie)
High Score: 153.8 (Fireball)

Low Score: 90.26 (Shelby)
Best Performance: 35.7 (Conner, Fireball)


We are officially 2 weeks away from playoff projections (starting with Week 10 recap). For those of you that are new here, the playoff projections is a section of hype and stats that replaces the normal stats section. It's a highly advanced method and excel sheet that is actually pretty accurate based on the results of the previous 2 seasons it was used, but, more on that in week 10.

So that's 2 weeks from playoff race previews, and only 5 weeks of regular season left. Quick reminder, TRADE DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 10TH so get those trades in while you still have time.

Looks like a lot of us are dealing with bye week issues, which makes sense considering we are basically at the halfway point of the NFL season.  That being said, I won't go too far into the lines since there are waiver and FA pickups to happen:

Stefan v Shiv
Jay v MJ
Fireball v Shelby
Ryan v Zach
Nick v KO
Danny v Jamie

The match-up I'm looking at this week is Stefan v Shiv, as one of them has a decent chance of getting out of those 11th and 12th spots, so that'll be about as entertaining as watching a 10th sequel to Paranormal Activity. 

The other one is Nick v KO, as KO slipped back into the 6th spot (Nick is 7th) so we'll see if KO can move up or lose the spot back to Nick.

None of the 3-5 teams are playing each other, so there's the potential for a bit of recovery there, even for MJ. Unfortunately, the matchups aren't exactly promising, as, with the exception of Nick, all our 3-5 teams are playing other teams with winning records (and all of those teams are in the top 6 in overall scoring).

I'm rolling with Stefan (don't let me down), MJ (in an upset), Fireball, Zach, Nick, and myself (duh).

Now go eat all that trick or treat candy.

Podcast to be posted tomorrow.

Let's talk some mad shit in slack,
- Jetlagged PapaB


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