FFAC Recap - Week 4: BeheMOTH Victories

What up fam,

Time for your weekly dosage of email recap badassery.

I don't know why I started so aggressively. I'm not going to apologize for it, but I also don't know how to explain it. Anyways, here's a moth:

I don't know why this is relevant, nor am I going to attempt to make it so for fantasy, but I wanted to share. There are moth memes aloof on the web, and it is my duty to inform you of them.

Oh and here's this weeks FFAC Podcast w/ guest, Stefan.


And like a moth flying too close to a hot lamp, Zach has flown too close to the lamp known as Jay Quiles, as he receives his first loss of the season, leaving us with no further undefeated teams. This was a bad attempt at looping in the moth thing, but YOU ALL LOVE IT. It actually wasn't even close, as Jay scored the 2nd highest total so far this season, but also is the 2nd highest point total this WEEK. Hell of a week for scoring round these parts. That's a 49.38 victory for Jay.

Speaking of high scores, Shelby set the new SEASON HIGH score in for a week with 164.56 points, as she completely obliterated Jamie (sorry Jamie) by 79.82! That point differential would have been enough to beat Stefan's score from last week. Cray cray. I'll go on record now and say the high score holds all season, but not the win differential.

On to our weekly bullying of Shiv, Fireball beat Shiv. Shiv is still winless. Is anyone surprised?

As for the ongoing heartbreak of the season, MJ's heart must be a pasty dust at this point, as he loses to Nick (whom continues to score so many points consistently) by a mere .3 points. Just a catch. 132.96 is MJ's best showing this season, and it would've been enough to win against 8 other teams. Brutal. But the scoring is trending in the right direction, so don't give up yet.

Rounding out the rest, Danny beats Stefan, and Ryan defeats KO.

OK, on to the controversy of the week. Holy moly did things get a bit heated as the Ryan and Stefan trade was vetoed by the league (first time ever in the last 3 years of FFAC). While we've already spoken to GREAT EXTENT the reasons why it was vetoed, as commissioner, the following are the reasons a veto can be upheld by me:

Obvious collusion occurring (a team gives up their season to see someone win of their choosing)
League agrees on a great competitive misbalance in favor of 1 team

That 2nd point is in order to prevent a BAD trade from going through, it's less about who got the short end of the stick, but who would greatly benefit from a trade to the detriment of the rest of the league. This has been and should remain a RARE occurrence. If this warrants any further discussion, we will address it in the offseason and either do away with league veto entirely (and leave decision at the discretion of the commissioner) OR we build some rules around what constitutes a bad trade.

We as a league have been very very good at not being assholes to each other and letting "dumb" trades go through in the past, but I leave it in your hands and hopefully this isn't an issue for another, say, 3 years. Let's not get our moths in a lamp.


I'm introducing a short segment focused on FFAC L2, with new members to L1 coming from here, we need to keep tabs on the goings on. Ben M still leads that league at 3-1, despite also being handed his first loss. However, top 5 teams are 3-1 (just like us!) so there's plenty of season left for things to change up. Adam Rock had the high score of that league last week with 153.36. Keep it up ya'll, the sharks are circling over in L1.


Avg Points: 119.93
Avg Margin: 25.74
Biggest Blowout: 79.82 (Shelby) *New Season Record
High Score: 164.56 (Shelby) *New Season Record
Low Score: 84.74 (Jamie)

Best Performance: 43.46 (GOATbisky, FA) ;)


Top 5 teams are now 3-1, with Shelby beating out Jay & KO for the 6th spot at 2-2 (points for).

Stefan's matchup problems continue as he faces Zach this week, and we'll see if MJ's fortunate can start turning around, as he faces Fireball.

Stefan v Zach
Jay v Shiv
Fireball v MJ
Nick v Shelby
Jamie v KO
Danny v Ryan

Match of the week is Danny v Ryan, as it's the only matchup featuring two 3-1 teams, and the line is +10 in my favor, but we shall see how it goes. I also won't say these are must wins, but here's who doesn't want to fall to 1-4: Stefan, MJ, Jamie.

I'm rolling with Stefan (in an upset!), Jay, MJ (another upset!), Nick, KO (Jamie's got too many bye players), and myself (duh).

I can't wait to see what we fight about next week!

- Papa


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