FFAC Recap - Week 5: An Underdog Story

We're going to have some fun today,

Check this out:

Take one guess as to who that kid represents. Just guess?


The football is Shiv and the kid is Jay, as he takes an embarrassing loss to Shiv whom no longer is winless. Good job, Jay. You tried.

Alright alright, more Jay shame can be found on this weeks podcast, and it's ok because he is on this weeks episode again, along with Shiv (also quick shoutout to Shelby for regularly holding down the fort on the podcast with me every week so far).


It's Friday. I know. I apologize. Stefan will be your guest writer for the next 2 weeks, and Shelby/Jay will head the podcast. I believe in ya'll.

Have you heard? Shiv beat Jay! That's it. Shiv beat Jay. I just want to repeat that as many times as possible. Jay lost, to Shiv, whom was 0-4. Not anymore. 1-4. That 1 win, courtesy of Jay. What a guy.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the time I thought I would this week, so this recap will be short, my apologies.

Stefan will guest write the next 2 weeks, and Jay and Shelby will be taking over the podcast in my absence.

Jay lost.




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