FFAC Recap - Week 11: Waiter, There's A Turkey In My Soup


How's about 10 hours of a turkey gobble:

Aw yeah, that's the stuff. Happy day of the Turk, everyone. I hope "Wacky" Wednesday was nice to you, it was brutal to me and I'm struggling to put this together right now BUT I DO IT FOR YOU (2 or 3 people reading this right now. Probably Stefan. Hi Stefan. Thanks for reading today).

Podcast is up and this time, Cody makes a guest appearance with some playoff predictions and even a champion prediction????


Well well well we had a few upsets that makes the next 2 weeks very interesting as everyone jockeys for playoff position.

We'll focus on playoff implication matches:

The mother daughter showdown delivered, and the daughter came out victorious. Shelby beat KO by a slim margin 81.54-80.28. They also are the 2 low scores of the league so, not quite the Rams v Chiefs match, but close nonetheless. KO is going to have a hard time getting a playoff spot now, and Shelby is within striking distance of of Jamie, Ryan, and Jay.

Speaking of Jamie, she beat Nick and now is tied with Jay and Ryan at 6-5.

Speaking of Jay and Ryan, Ryan  won that match and that has given us this 3 way tie.

So let's take a look at the picture.


1. Fireball (Clinched)
2. Zach (Clinched)
3. Papa (99%)
4. Jay (70%)
5. Ryan (80%)
6. Jamie (77%)

7. Shelby (30%)
8. Nick (14%)
9. Stefan (11%)
10. KO (9%)
11. Shiv (1%)

So, Zach has clinched with his win last week leaving technically 4 spots still available. I could lose out and still be 7-6, which most likely still gets me in as I remain in the top 6 of scoring, so barring a complete and utter collapse, I should be good.

Can you believe Shiv actually has a chance? There is actually a scenario where Shiv makes the playoffs. Wild. As for the rest, Jay, Ryan, Jamie, all sit at 6-5. Shelby 5-6. Nick, Stefan, KO, Shiv all at 4-7.

Stefan v Ryan
Jay v Nick
Shiv v Kelly
Zach v Shelby
Jason v Jamie
Danny v MJ

We can head into next week with an unprecedented 5 way tie from 4-10 depending on how those matches go. So...eat up that Turkey cuz we're in the thick of it now.

I gotta go get rid of this hangover now with some cooking of my own.

Happy Thanksgiving.


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