FFAC Recap: Week 7 - Better Late


So we're going to speed through this one just a bit, but fear not, we're only 2 recaps away (including this one) from playoff odds. So we have that to look forward to pretty soon. Also I didn't record a podcast this week. Sorry.

Trade activity has definitely picked up, so good job GMs. Reminder that FFAC trade deadline is NOVEMBER 9. So make your money moves now.


It was quite a bye + injury perfect storm week, as we had 7 teams score fewer than 100 points, and 5 under 90. However, it was quite fun to watch football with half the league last Sunday, would love to do that again.

So you had Fireball, who only scored 75.42 points, beat Cody, who had only 52.24! So now Cody has the record all time for points scored, and the record (this season) for fewest points. What a wacky wavy flailing inflatable tube man team.

Biggest blowout goes to Shelby as she shellacked Jay by 75.72 points, more than Jay scored this week (143.54 - 67.82). This is the 2nd time this season Shelby beats her opponent by a margin larger than the opposing score. So, keep it up Shelby, really reppin the women of FFAC. And Jay. Well, shoulda taken my trade offer.

Adam and I had the closest match of the week, as he ended my 4 game win streak with a 100.92 - 88.82 victory. So, I have fallen out of 1st to 3rd and Adam moves into 8th at 3-4 (3 other teams also at 3-4).

Ben pulled out a relatively standard win over Jack, nothing extraordinary here besides Ben holding on to that 4 spot and Jack remaining dead last. Not by a ton tho, only 22 points separate Jack and Stefan from 12th.

Speaking of Stefan, another loss puts his skid at 6 games, the longest streak win or lose this season. So while Ryan's Lions had a rough go at it (and believe me watching Ryan angrily pace and tweet is GOLD, 10/10 recommend), he at least got the fantasy dub.

And last, but certainly not least, MJ puts up back to back 120+ weeks and gets the victory this time, as he beat Zach 121.16 - 91.36. That puts MJ at 2-5 and by a hair, keeping his hopes for a playoff berth alive. Zach is one of the 3-4 teams now.


Average Points: 95.25
Margin of Victory: 32.81
Largest Blowout: 75.72 (Shelby x2)
Closest Win: 12.1 (Adam)
Highest Total: 143.54 (Shelby)
Lowest Total: 52.24 (Cody)


Obviously this is post TNF, but let's look at em anyways.

What do you call the opposite of the SuperBowl? Because that's what the match between Jack and Stefan is this week. Gonna roll with...Stefan.

Zach v Shelby (Shelby)
Adam v Jay (Adam)
Ryan v Cody (Ryan) - Cody are you even trying here
Ben v Fireball (Ben)
Danny v MJ (Danny)

This is an interesting week because the top 4 teams (Shelby, Fireball, Danny, Ben) can either further establish the top 4 spots OR make it really interesting. The matches to look at for those 4-6 seeds are Jay v Adam, Ryan v Cody, Shelby v Zach. Let's see how it rolls.


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