FFAC Season Recap - 2018

Apparently I had a draft of the championship recap that I never sent out. WOOPS.

This is it, season is OVER. Wow, what a year. We had some laughs, we had some tears, new friends, old friends, new beginnings, end of an era.

First things first:


This logo took me a long time so don't laugh. It was a close match, but in the end, Fireball prevailed as yours truly had to settle for runner up. Congratulations, Jason, well earned. The lesson for all of us is to have copious amounts of alcohol during the draft next year, and not draft any kickers at all.

Runner up: Danny Martinez
3rd place: Ryan Gannon

And a quick consolation congrats to Stefan, as winner of the Consolation Bracket now gets his choice of draft position in next years draft.

Before we move on to end of season awards, let's address the elephant in the room. KO. Shiv. It has been a pleasure to have you both in this league. As this season's bottom 2, you have indeed been relegated to League B (of which Ben Millar and Adam Rock get the opportunity to move up from).

Now, the cost of this league will be going up next season. $100 buy in is still in effect, but I will be asking for an undetermined amount as a "league fee" next season to help with draft board, location reservation, food, and more importantly, a proper trophy we can start using. Because of this, I imagine there will be a handful of people that either decide to drop out entirely, OR Ben/Adam decide not to pony up, which means, KO and Shiv, you WILL get priority back into the league outside of the 2 relegation spots in order to keep our league at 12 teams if it comes down to it. I also have to figure out how to allow AJ in (and apparently JV wants back in?). We got some time to figure this out.


Rookie of the Year

League MVP

Disappointment of the Year

Invisible Person Award

Commissioners Award

Decided entirely by yours truly. Jamie, not Zach, get's ROY due to the incredible turnaround and making the playoffs. Fireball gets League MVP not for Championship, but for #1 seed and top overall scorer. MJ, enough said there. Invisible Person goes to KO because, well, anyone know where she is? And Shelby gets teachers pet for all the help with the podcast this year, thanks Shelby.

So...that's it. We did it. Payouts have been sent. As always, thank you so very much for taking time to read these, they really are enjoyable to write and it is a pleasure and honor to be your commissioner. I have more ideas for content next year as I will forever be looking to make things fresh for you all.

Signing off for the season,

Danny "PapaBless aka Not Salty About the Championship Game" M


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