FFAC Recap: Week 3 - Everything Makes Sense

That was sarcasm.

Nothing makes sense.

Idk about you all but this is practically me so far this season.

I'm not even having a bad start or anything (not like MJ at least, but is anyone having as bad a start as MJ?) Things are all screwy.

BUT entertaining nonetheless.

Anywho, I slacked off last week with the recap but there was still a podcast. This weeks podcast will be up at some point after this recap goes out but I might toss in here anyways after. Whatever, look for it in slack.



Holy shite, mates. We HAVE to start with the batshit crazy week that Cody had. 181.06 points!!! This one was a bummer for Stefan, as he himself put up 131.6 (3rd highest this week), but no one could have predicted an all time performance by Cody. That's such a crazy score, he has overtaken the ALL TIME highest point total in the history of FFAC, previously held by Shelby from 2017 (164.56). That's an improvement of 16.5 points, and I don't think that record will be broken for quite some time, barring any drastic future league scoring changes. Stefan, don't feel too bad about this one, especially with a match against MJ coming up this week. Cody, congrats my man, you truly are making me eat my words and I am proud of you.

Speaking of MJ....well, MJ, I hate to keep picking on you but when Shelby beats you this handily, there's not much more I can do. In fact, I won't go further into this match, just take a look at this screenshot and the point differential vs points scored.


MJ drops to 0-3.

Fireball, Fireball, Fireball. This dude has the midas touch, because hot DOGGIE that was a nail biter comeback the Bears D gave him to beat Jack by < 3 points. Honestly, I don't even know what to say anymore, we out here playing checkers and it would appear you sir are playing chess. I know when to just tip my hat. I still don't trust that team but clearly your team doesn't care, kudos. As for Jack...well it's only Week 3, but also 0-3 isn't exactly where you want to be roughly a quarter into the fantasy football season. There's time to turn it around, but Jack has yet to break 100 fantasy points, something even MJ has accomplished. Yea, ouch.

Zach has another healthy performance from his team as he beats Adam 131.66-99.54. Adam's had some injury and roster funkiness, but honestly so has everyone else. After a promising week 1, he's fallen off a bit, and kinda slept on the waivers this week (self admittedly). Zach's starting to look like the Championship team I predicted before the season, and if he keeps this up he just might coast into Week 9, his bye week hell, in pretty good shape. Yes, I am trying to jinx this.

And for my predicted rookie of the year, if it wasn't for Cody's insane point total, Ben would be #1 in the league in points scored. Another solid week and while for most of Sunday he and Ryan were neck in neck, Ben pulled away to a comfortable 127.02-115.04. I think Spencer would be proud. Yes, Spencer still reads these (hi bb), but damn that Saquon injury is going to hurt. Ryan still appears to be in a middle of the pack position and tweaking his roster a bit, but so are most of us, I wouldn't freak out just yet.

And for middle of the pack, the match between Jay and I was about as middle of the pack as they come. Half my team continues to struggle to put up anything near their projections while the other half thrives, but at the very least picking up CMC at #1 overall is working out in my favor considering the Barkley injury. Jay continues to struggle to put up 100 points and is actually averaging less than that for the season. Although, in his defense, it seems like he built this team banking on a 2nd half resurgence. Now the question will be whether or not it's too late by then. On my end, I have to continue to trust that my team will start to perform as expected and be in a good spot, otherwise you all can expect your GM phones to be ringing soon.


Average Points: 114.97
Margin of Victory: 27.54
Largest Blowout: 65.44 (Shelby)
Closest Win: 2.92 (Fireball)
Highest Total: 181.06 (Cody x2)
Lowest Total: 65.1 (MJ)
Best Performance: 41.34 (Russel Wilson, Shelby) 


OK so we're in 2-1 and 1-2 land right now, with 2 3-0 and 2 0-3 teams. And it's split right down the middle, ya boi knows how to balance divisions, @ me.

The biggest things to look for this week are whether Shelby & Fireball can remain undefeated, and can Jack & MJ find their first wins. Spoiler, my money's NOT on Jack or MJ.

Danny v Jack
MJ v Stefan
Zach v Ryan
Jay v Cody
Shelby v Ben
Fireball v Adam

I'm watching that Fireball v Adam match, I think Jason finds himself in another close match, but going with Fireball. If it weren't for Kittle on bye and the injury, the Ben v Shelby match would've been fun, but there's not enough there going for Ben this week, Shelby takes it. Rolling with Stefan, Zach, Jay in an upset and of course, I'm going to pick me most weeks.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to ask my landlord why the fuck he's running a power saw in the unit upstairs at 11PM.


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