FFAC Recap: Week 10 - Not as close as you think

For the most part, everything pretty much went according to plan last week. Some of the scenarios are highly unlikely anymore but, you never know.

No current ties for a playoff spot, but some interesting matchups coming up.


First call out, due to points and tie breaker, Ben and I have clinched a playoff berth with our wins over MJ & Cody respectively. Cody and MJ aren't quite dead yet but certainly took a shot to their chances.

And that spelled good news for Jay as he beat Jack 134.88 - 114.80, as he ties with MJ and Cody. And with the loss, Jack has officially been eliminated from playoff contention. Fade em.

Shelby continues her win streak that is now up to 4, and eliminates Stefan from contention as well. This is now back to back seasons that Stefan misses the playoffs. As for Shelby, makes a return to the stage after barely missing out last season.

On the flip side of streaks, Jason lost to Zach, bringing our once #1 seed down to 5, tied with Ryan but a seed lower. Zach not quite in the clear, however, and while Fireball still has a high chance of making the playoffs, he's opened up the opportunity.

Ryan beat Adam, lucky for Adam, MJ & Cody loses also keeps his hopes alive.


1. Shelby 9-1 (Clinched, 83% as 1)
2. Danny 7-3 (Clinched,  16% as 1, 45% as 2)
3. Ben 7-3 (Clinched,  32% as 2, 45% as 3)
4. Ryan 6-4 (98%, 43% as 4, 27% as 5)
5. Fireball 6-4 (89%, 50% as 5, 12% as 6)
6. Zach 5-5 (40%, 9% as 5, 29% as 6)


7. Cody 4-6 (22%, 2% as 5, 21% as 6)
8. Adam 4-6 (25%, 2% as 5, 22% as 6)
9. MJ 4-6 (7%, 2% as 5, 5% as 6)
10. Jay 4-6 (8%, 1% as 5, 7% as 6)

Obviously this rather tracks to the percentages of last week, except that Zach is better positioned, although nowhere near comfortable just yet. MJ's chances have basically halved, while Jay's doubled to 8%. Still a long shot, but alive.

As for Ryan and Fireball, there now is technically a scenario where they play each other at the end of the season for the final spot, thanks to the nature of the coming matchups. 89 points separate 4 from 9, so if any 2 from Zach, Adam, Cody, MJ, or Jay find a way to catch up in points on top of getting the wins, it could be entertaining. Take a wild guess as to what scenarios I want as the content creator?

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So, literally every matchup this week really matters. The brutal one to look for is MJ v Jay. Pretty much depending on this match, one stays alive, the other is done. Hence why their percentages are quite low still.

Ryan and Fireball can clinch with wins, which would leave only the 6th seed open. So this can either start to wrap up quickly, or, it can be fun.

Papa out.


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