FFAC Precap: The 2018 Season Preview

EDIT 9/6/18 5:27PM: Removed Jason from asterisked teams, Mack is on the Bears D and he has them. Carry on.


It's been a few weeks.

Draft: DONE (keep the fireball away from Reynoso)
Divisions: DONE
Schedule: DONE
Le'Veon Bell: HOLD OUT (sorry Ryan)

And for the first time...

League 2: DONE

That's right folks, we officially have a AAA league that people can be relegated to next season. Steaks are high. So let's show these folks how we do it in the BIGS. Luckily our league won't be changing it's entry fee any time soon so there is always the possibility that League 2 Champ and Runner-up don't wanna pony up and you keep your spot. Maybe. We'll see. That league will follow a similar roster format, but for the most part how they deal with the league is up to them. I just help facilitate.

I'll likely be moving FFAC Central to a new domain because Blogger is stupid and the Yahoo API is stupid too. The idea is we'll have a place on the site to see things like: current top performer, high scoring team, dunce of the week, etc along with standings of FFAC L2. Alas, this is all administrative and you don't care about that right now. You care about...


Let's get to it.

As if you needed the reminder, here are last season's top 3:

Fireball - Runner-up
Shiv - 3rd

That being said, I had to split up KO and Fireball (Jason you will now be referred to as Fireball, says me) into separate divisions, whom outside of those 2 were randomly set up as follows:

Return of the Mack - Fireball
Hooked on a Thielen - Jay
KerryonMyWaywordSon - Ryan *
Honor Landry Clarke - Stefan *
This is Kamaraca - Nick
Ancient Chumps - Jamie

Trevor Sybian - KO **
Get off my Ditka - Shiv
Pull the lever Gronk - Shelby
It Ertz So Good - Danny
Big Trubisky - Zach *
1st and 1099 - MJ

Yep, divisions are named Eggs & Bacon. Because why not. As for the asterisks:

* Ryan, Stefan, Zach, clever names, clever names, yea yea should be nice. None of those players are actually on your teams right now, so you're being taken out of the preseason best name award running.

** KO, being our defending champion, I will allow it, especially for like, superstitions reasons. Even little stitious reasons.

That being said, let's talk some sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-it.

Projected League Winner:

Yahoo would have you believe Zach is going to win based off point projections for the season combined with a pretty good draft. So you know what that means, he's not winning.

Gonna bet with one of the C+'s, Shelby. It'd be a little gratuitous to bet on myself (although I have won the league before, just saying), but something about Shelby's team just feels right. Also I'm doing this to jinx her kthxbaiiiiiii.

Worst Team:

This ones easy. Shiv. Sorry Shiv. 3 qbs. 2 kickers. On draft day. WHAT IN TARNATION WERE YOU THINKING.

Biggest Disappointment:

I'm sorry to say this, my friend, but I think Ryan is set up for a disappointing season. Especially with Bell expected to potentially hold out for quite a while, I know I'm piling it on, but man, that's just my gut feeling.

Rookie of the Year:

MJ. Come on. 1st and 1099 and an Excel icon for his team logo? The math man? The number muncher? Dark Horse.



Closest line - Danny v Zach, with a +0.21 advantage to Zach. It's gonna be a good one. Luckily Devonta is dropping 28 points for me.

Largest line - Shelby vs Shiv, with a +12.54 to Shelby. What, did you think I gave Shiv the Worst Team projection based on gut feeling and no stats to back it up at all? Please. (He's also the 2nd lowest project scorer).

We got Stefan v Jay, Fireball v Nick, Ryan v Jamie, and MJ v KO. I'm rolling with Jay, Fireball, Jamie, and MJ in those matchups.

Some rando rookie will have a breakout game, everyone will scramble on the wire next week, and then put up an avg of 7 points the rest of the season. Godspeed.

As they say in the NFL: PLAY BALL!


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