FFAC Recap - Week 1: Football Revolutions

I think I'm going to run out of movie sequel title puns eventually. Luckily it's still only year 3 of these recaps so I have some time to figure it out.

I feel like we'd be beating a dead horse with the whole Yahoo and point projection thing, happens every year, did it last week, did it last year for the opening of Week 1 recap...yet here we are.

So yes, the projections were a tiny bit off the mark. Maybe MJ can go help them number crunch and stuff. We'll get to you MJ, we're so sorry.

QUICK UPDATE: Before we get right into this written edition of recap, if you want to hear Shelby, Jay, and yours truly talk MOSTLY fantasy football talk for this league, we are christening our debut FFAC podcast, we'll see if this holds.


As is Week 1 every season, it was a strange week for football to say the least. I'll get it out of the way, I only guessed correctly on 2 of the 6 matchup results for week 1 (Shelby and MJ). As we do, I will start betting against myself every week because that's the reasonable thing to do and that's also how luck works.
Maybe we'll do guest W-L predictions moving forward and compare records at the end of the season for, idk, lets say a $20 Dave & Busters gift card. I'm not made of money.

We talked about it in the podcast, but let's start with the biggest blowout of the week, as Nick obliterates Fireball 141 - 106.14 (+34.86). This is certainly a turnaround performance for Nick, whom if you recall, scored a whopping total of 48 points in his week 1 game last season. The crazy part is, 106 points from Jason is only 7th this week in point totals, so even with a Kicker in his lineup, wouldn't have....wait a second. FIREBALL DIDN'T START A KICKER!

Bruh, what is you doing???

Just for that one, Fireball get's Dunce of the Week.

Which means KO gets saved from that title, as our defending champion mustered a week low of 87.84 points against MJ's 100.58. MJ gets the week win, but, boy oh boy, what a tough break for my predicted Rookie of the Year. Losing Delanie Walker to a season ending (maybe career ending? idk Stefan, how much more does he have in the tank?) and Doug Baldwin early in that Denver game. However, if he recovers from that, RoY may hold.

Speaking of devastating fantasy injuries, Jamie lost Greg Olsen broke his foot (again) who at least could be back as early as week 8. The kicker here is that she had Jared Cook on the bench who over performed with 22 points (woulda won the match tho). Ryan wins that match 126.54 - 115.24, happens to be the closest match of the week. Props to you, Ganman, good performance AND with the NO defense with -4 points. 1 step closer to proving me wrong.

Alright, I was talking some mad smack, so let's talk Zach v Danny. 125.22 - 92.96 (3rd biggest blowout). Somehow I didn't score the fewest points in the league, and if you're confused by that, I had the least amount of players in my lineup (3) that scored double digit points. Yikes. BLOW IT UP. It's only week 1, right?

To round it out, Stefan took it to Jay, 123.96 - 90.16, and Shelby beats Shiv "3 QBs 2 Ks draft" 116.84 - 102.94

Most matches actually weren't THAT close, but also this was the best Week 1 scoring performance across the board, relatively well balanced. We'll see how Week 2 fares.


Average Points: 110.78
Average Margin: 23.14
Biggest Blowout: 34.86 (Nick)
High score: 141 (Nick)
Low score: 87.84 (KO)
Best performance: 42.28 (Ryan Fitzpatrick, FA)


Watch that waiver wire, watch them trades, as we start getting into the first month of football I expect things to start picking up quite a bit.

Week 2 tends to level out Week 1 performances, but also starts showing us who's for real and who had a fluke (individual player performance-wise).

It's the battle of 1-0 v 0-1 this week, with the exception of Shiv v Danny (0-1) and Zach v MJ (1-0). Lines as of this post are:

Stefan v Fireball: +3.72 Stefan
Jay v Ryan: +0.31 Jay
Zach v MJ: +15.18 Zach
Nick v Jamie: +11.28 Nick
Daughter v Mother: +3.28 Mother (Daughter is Shelby, Mother is KO for those of you uninitiated)
Danny v Shiv: +1.91 Shiv

That Jay v Ryan match I have my particular eye on, as well as Zach v MJ as one of them will 100% be receiving their first loss...although that is the largest spread. If Zach somehow drops that one, we'll have some fun next week.

Boom, bop, bam, cuz

- Danny


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